Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sinkhole 101

Re: the picture below
Comment: What is an oak tree sinkhole?

Well...this is a very old oak tree. It's huge. It's also growing in a very large, natural depression in my yard. Dents like this are fondly called sinkholes. They occur all over this part of Florida. This one is an oldie, and isn't expected to get any bigger. One family down the road has "converted" their sinkhole into a duckpond, complete with fountain. In High Springs, our band plays in a gazebo at the bottom of a giant sinkhole behind the Town Hall. Sinkholes are not unique to Florida, I have to say. There is an old Kentucky tune called "Huldy in the Sinkhole." It's a real hummer!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Worldwide Paint Out Coming Up

Next month, for 3 days, plein air painters all over the world will be engaged in the 3rd annual Paint Out. From September 9 through the 11th we'll be painting outdoors, engaging in an art form popularized in France in the mid 19th Century. There's nothing like sketching or painting outside, catching the light, really catching the moment.

I'll be painting in High Springs, and I invite any and all to join me, here...or in your own town. Sign up at the International Plein Air Painters website ( and bring some art to the neighborhood.